Friday 5 April 2013

Summary of My Experience

Overall, I have found this experience to be very rewarding. I really have enjoyed not only my time in England, exploring the food and trying new things. But I have also very much enjoyed making a blog about it. I have shared this link with my family now that I am done with the process for them to read and see about my experiences. I think this has definitely broadened my horizons and made me realize that 1. I can't listen to other people's opinions and take them 100% mater of fact, that I need to experience things for my self and formulate my own speculations about things.

As far as reading food literature, it was a completely new territory for me. I know that I have not even begun to scratch the surface of cookery books as well as other food literature books, but I have grown to become more acquainted with them and seem to enjoy them (especially the ones that have a bit of humor in them as well.) I would have never guessed that there is more to a cook book than the recipes. But rather, that the author is perhaps telling us a story about a time in their life, or how this dish may help create new memories in your life as well. Food literature has been apart of our history for decades and it will continue to be ever so present in the years to come.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great summary that I can really get behind. I was surprised to learn that we would be analyzing cook books in this course, but found myself pleased with the new ways of reading something I use almost everyday. Great job, Makayla!
